When people meet me, they're typically overwhelmed by the onslaught of questions I ask about their lives. "Why are you interrogating me?" they'd ask. I can't help it—I'm genuinely curious, I'd say. The human condition has fascinated me for a long time.

My approach, thankfully, has been much smoother since I became a user experience researcher. And I've had the opportunity to see how people engage the world and its experiences. As my life has evolved, I desire to use my talents to help people live healthy, fulfilling lives. And if I can do that professionally, that sounds good to me.

Now, I could tell you what inspired me to do this type of work - but let's leave that for when you and I meet. For now, let me share my values with you. The ones that have managed to remain steadfast throughout my career:

Foster safe spaces

Many things have contributed to my fulfillment and success, the most important of which is building trust with my colleagues, clients, mentors, and friends. I pride myself on my ability to build comradery.

Create and problem-solve with balanced thinking

Whether scoping out user experience research or facilitating a workhop, I attain valuable, meaningful outcomes because I approach things with a principled yet flexible mindset.

Do work with grit but not to the detriment of self-care

I can sustain long periods of strenuous effort towards a goal, but I take time to check in with myself and rest when necessary.

Make it fun

Laughter and light-heartedness reduce stress. I remind myself that messing around for a couple of minutes can do wonders for the mind and those around me.

While the values I've listed are not exhaustive, they represent core aspects of how I live. I hope my portfolio and message resonate with you, and I would love to have a conversation if they do. Cheers.